KAT Creativ Ltd t/a KAT Marketing (KAT) is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its employees so far as reasonably practicable. KAT accepts its responsibilities for other persons (e.g., visitors) who may be affected by the KAT’s activities and will take steps to ensure their statutory duties are met at all times.
KAT requires management at all levels to display a positive attitude towards health and safety, to instil this in those for whom they are responsible, and to ensure that all processes and systems of work are designed to take account of health and safety and are properly supervised at all times.
KAT recognises the need to consult with employees from time to time on health and safety matters and they expect, and indeed encourage, employees to bring to the attention of the Director, at any time by email, any matter relating to health and safety which is a cause for concern.
KAT will ensure that advice is sought when necessary to determine risks to health and safety and they are committed to providing sufficient information and training for employees in respect of risks to health and safety, and will also ensure that the general policy is reviewed regularly and that a revised statement is issued when necessary.
KAT requires the managers to bring this statement of general policy to the attention of all employees of the company and to make available the necessary resources and instructions for ensuring that their policy on health and safety is implemented.
KAT is committed to ensuring that the company operates in accordance with current legislation. They are not, however, content merely to conform to the minimum acceptable standards, but are determined to ensure that the best possible standards are met. They look to all members of the staff to ensure that this policy is observed.